Poll: Most New Yorkers Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana

February 4, 2010 -MANHATTAN — The majority of New Yorkers just say yes to medical marijuana usage, according to a poll released Thursday.

image_xlimage_2010_01_R6465_NEW_YORK_MARIJUANA_LAW_01112010Seventy-one percent of New York voters think legalizing the drug for medical purposes is a “good idea,” according to the Quinnipiac University poll. Even Republicans, who as a voting block are generally opposed to medicinal marijuana usage, were in favor of it by a 55 to 41 percent margin.

New Yorkers seem to have warmed up to the idea since New Jersey passed a bill to legalize medical marijuana last month.

“It hasn’t attracted a lot of attention, but New York State voters would like to emulate their New Jersey neighbors and approve medical use of marijuana,” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. “Voters of every age have entered the Age of Aquarius.”

By Jennifer Glickel. Source.

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