9th Circuit Court to decide Future of U.S. CBD Market

February 15th, 2018 – The Hemp Industries Association is taking the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to court in a high-stakes case that will decide the future of CBD sales in the U.S. The suit is in response to the DEA’s position that CBD is a marijuana extract and therefore illegal.

While the case won’t be decided for months, the outcome is important for the entire cannabis industry, not just entrepreneurs making or selling hemp-derived cannabidiol products.

In early January, in a show of support for the hemp industry and CBD,  – 22 Democrats and six Republicans – filed a brief with the federal court arguing that the DEA’s position is “blatantly contrary” to the 2014 Farm Bill passed by Congress when it argues that cannabidiol is a Schedule 1 drug– the same as marijuana.  This support could be crucial to the outcome of the case, as the DEA argues it is simply following existing drug law with an update for modern manufacturing methods.  A decision isn’t expected for a few months.

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