Psoriasis: Cannabidiol’s Potential to provide Relief

September 20th, 2014 – Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disease that appears on the skin. It Picture 10occurs when the body’s immune system fires flawed signals which increases the momentum of the skin cells’ growth cycle.

Although it may seem like psoriasis would be a communicable disease, it is in fact not contagious.

There are five different types of psoriasis with the most common form being plaque psoriasis, which is normally seen as red and white shades of peeling patches appearing on the first layer of the skin. There are some patients that have been diagnosed with psoriasis that don’t endure any dermatological symptoms whatsoever.

Patients suffering with plaque psoriasis experience skin swiftly accumulating at the infected area(s), which gives the site a silvery-white exterior. Plaques regularly occur on the patient’s elbows and knees, but can affect any area, as well as the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and even their genitals.

As opposed to those suffering with eczema, psoriasis is more expected to be located on the outer side of the joint.

This disorder is unfortunately a recurring condition that fluctuates in severity from minor contained patches to covering the patient’s entire body.

In addition, patient’s with psoriasis can experience inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic arthritis. Somewhere between 10 to 40 percent of all people diagnosed with psoriasis endure psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis is a widespread condition that may affect people of any age, but it generally initiates between the ages of 15 and 35.

Although the basis in which people contract psoriasis is not fully understood, the good news is that there is hope via cannabinoids for those struggling with the disease that lasts a lifetime.

According to a study that was published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, researchers found that cannabinoids have the potential to play a vital role in regards to treating patients with psoriasis.

If you’re walking erect and have the capability to utter at least a few syllables, then you my friend are lucky enough to possess an endocannabinoid system. Which means that you’re also equipped with cannabinoid receptors located throughout your entire body, including the surface of your skin.

The study’s researchers point out that psoriasis is “an inflammatory disease also characterized in part by epidermal keratinocyte hyper-proliferation.”

Say what? I know, right?

A keratinocyte, whose primary function is to form a blockade against environmental harm such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, heat, UV radiation and water loss, is the main cell type found in the outermost layer of our skin, which makes up 90 percent of the cells that are located there.

The researchers’ objective was to examine the plant cannabinoids delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN) and Cannabigerol (CBG) for their ability to stall or stop the increase of a “hyper-proliferating human keratinocyte cell line.”

Cannabinoids derived from the miraculous marijuana plant have been found to be anti-inflammatory and have the capability to hinder the effects on the production of a number of tumor-forming cell lines, some of which are mediated via cannabinoid receptors.

The study’s investigators came to the conclusion that “cannabinoids inhibit keratinocyte proliferation, and therefore support a potential role for cannabinoids in the treatment of psoriasis.”

It seems that we’re just now scratching the surface of the unlimited list of medicinal attributes that the marijuana plant has to offer all mankind.

Just think of the number of people that this plant could have helped if only our beloved government had pulled their heads out of the proverbial sand pile sooner.

But hey, later is still better than never.


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