Families want CBD oil approval in Epilepsy Debate

October 12th, 2014 – Families around the country want to see CBD oil legalized because of its Picture 22potential use in epilepsy. Some have taken the drastic measure to move to states that allow the use of the oil while others are waiting for laws to change. There has been some progress made in legalization, but debates are far from over.

CBD oil is currently legal in 11 states, and there are families who are already using it on children with epilepsy or other seizure disorders. CBD (cannabidiol) is extracted from cannabis and hemp, but it lacks the psychedelic qualities found in other parts of the plant because it does not have THC. Researchers continue to study the potential uses of CBD oil while lawmakers consider legalization. However, medical experts warn that parents should speak to a doctor before adding any type of supplement to their child’s diet.

Families in Nebraska are currently trying to legalize CBD oil, but it is not an easy battle. Senators Al Davis, Tommy Garrett and Sue Crawford recently visited another state to examine how it handled the process and learned more about the manufacturing conditions. One of the main issues remains THC because of its ability to create a high, but researchers point out properly prepared CBD oil does not have this ingredient.

Research on the use of CBD oil to help medical conditions continues, and some of the studies point to the potential use of the product for several disorders. A paper from the journal Epilepsia found that cannabidiol was used in prehistoric times to treat seizures, but modern medicine requires strong double-blind studies that are still needed to find its impact. Another paper from the journal Epilepsy & Behavior reveals that a group of families was using the oil for a variety of seizure disorders, but the placebo effect and other problems could not be ruled out easily.

Although researchers are focused on finding evidence through clinical studies, this has not stopped families from taking charge of their children’s destinies and buying the CBD oil. Some have moved to Colorado permanently because it has legalized the product while others are choosing different states. They believe the oil is helping their children and will seek access despite the obstacles.

Lawmakers are hopeful that new studies will assist in reducing some of the debates surrounding cannabidiol. Researchers from East Carolina University, Duke University, Wake Forest University and others have accepted the challenge and are conducting studies on CBD oil. The FDA is also carrying out clinical trials on the oil right now. They have similar goals, so families will have answers about the benefits of the product in the future.

One of the issues raised by lawmakers and families is the need for education about CBD oil. They want to emphasize that it is not being created to give a person a high, but confusion remains. Some families state they are being unfairly judged by people who do not understand the ingredients in the oil, and they wish more information was being distributed.


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