Category: Conditions

  • How Cannabis was used to Shrink one of the Most Aggressive Brain Cancers

    How Cannabis was used to Shrink one of the Most Aggressive Brain Cancers

    November 15th, 2014 – Widely proscribed around the world for its recreational uses, cannabis is being used in a number of different therapeutic ways to bring relief for severe medical conditions. Products using cannabinoids, the active components of the cannabis plant, have been licensed for medical use. Sativex, for example, which contains an equal mixture…

  • Scientists In Israel Will Study Anti-Tumor Effects of Cannabis In Cancer Patients

    Scientists In Israel Will Study Anti-Tumor Effects of Cannabis In Cancer Patients

    They’re looking particularly at cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychotropic compound in pot. October 22nd, 2014 – Israeli researchers will soon begin evaluating the anti-tumor effects of cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, in patients with cancer. Researchers at the Hassadah Medical Center in Jerusalem have announced their intent to conduct a Phase II clinical trial to assess the…

  • The Big Trend in Medical Marijuana: Products that Don’t get you High

    The Big Trend in Medical Marijuana: Products that Don’t get you High

    October 21, 2014 – I’m going to start this post with a confession. I, like many Americans, do not know very much about cannabis. I went to college, where I had friends in fraternities, and I’ve seen more of the movie Pinneapple Express than I care to admit. But when it comes to marijuana I…

  • Families want CBD oil approval in Epilepsy Debate

    Families want CBD oil approval in Epilepsy Debate

    October 12th, 2014 – Families around the country want to see CBD oil legalized because of its potential use in epilepsy. Some have taken the drastic measure to move to states that allow the use of the oil while others are waiting for laws to change. There has been some progress made in legalization, but…

  • Kids Need THC, Too: Lawmakers Are Legalizing Certain Strains of Marijuana, but That Won’t Be Good Enough

    Kids Need THC, Too: Lawmakers Are Legalizing Certain Strains of Marijuana, but That Won’t Be Good Enough

    September 22nd, 2014 – Republicans love marijuana. Pushed by a cadre of Christian brothers from Colorado and promoted by CNN’s doctor-on-television Sanjay Gupta, a strain of marijuana acceptable for suburban squares and the churchgoing set is winning friends on the right. Marijuana low in THC but high in CBD — cannabidiol, one of the many…

  • Psoriasis: Cannabidiol’s Potential to provide Relief

    Psoriasis: Cannabidiol’s Potential to provide Relief

    September 20th, 2014 – Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the body’s immune system fires flawed signals which increases the momentum of the skin cells’ growth cycle. Although it may seem like psoriasis would be a communicable disease, it is in fact not contagious. There are five…

  • The Effect of Cannabis on Pregnant Women & Newborns

    The Effect of Cannabis on Pregnant Women & Newborns

    September 19, 2014 – One of the numerous things pregnant women have to be concerned with is what goes into their bodies. No caffeine, no smoking, no alcohol, and traditionally, no marijuana either. But did you know that pregnant women in Jamaica have been known to use marijuana to relieve nausea, as well as some…

  • Parkinson’s Disease & the Endocannabinoid System

    Parkinson’s Disease & the Endocannabinoid System

    August 20th, 2014 – Parkinson’s disease was originally termed Shaking Palsy by James Parkinson when he became the first to fully characterize the condition in 1817 (1). Since this time the disease has taken on his name despite the fact he never had the condition himself. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition which outwardly…

  • KannaLife Sciences Registers Patent to Study Cannabinoids & Concussions

    August 8TH, 2014 – KannaLife Sciences, a company that develops “natural, phyto-medical products to be used in health and wellness regimens,” believes Cannabidiol (CBD) could help treat concussions and post-concussion symptoms. The Long Island-based company recently signed a license agreement with the National Institute of Health regarding “U.S. Patent 6,630,507, “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants.”…

  • Bipartisan House Bill Would Legalize ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Medical Marijuana

    Bipartisan House Bill Would Legalize ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Medical Marijuana

    July 28th, 2014 – A bipartisan bill introduced in the House of Representatives on Monday would legalize a compound in marijuana used to treat severe epilepsy. The legislation, called the “Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014,” would exclude “therapeutic hemp” and “cannabidiol,” or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound in marijuana used for medical purposes, from…