20 Studies Show Endocannabinoids May Help Cure Cancer

Arjun Walia, writing for collective-evolution.com, compiled a list of 20 studies that suggest cannabis may Picture 10be of vital use to cancer sufferers. Sufferers might want to investigate these studies to determine if marijuana is the right medicine for them. Here is Walia’s list:

Brain Cancer: 1. British Journal of Cancer; Conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Complutense University in Madrid. Determined that Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC- the main active compound in marijuana) inhibits tumor growth. THC was found to decrease tumor cells in two out of the nine patients.

2. The Journal of Neuroscience. Found that THC reduced neuronal injury in rats, providing evidence that cannabinoids can protect the brain against neurodegeneration.

3. The Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics. Examined the effect of cannabidiol on brain tumors and concluded cannabidiol was able to produce significant antitumor activity.

4. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. Outlined how brain tumors are highly resistant to current anticancer treatments and demonstrated the reversal of tumor activity in Glioblastoma multiforme.

Breast Cancer: 5. US National Library of Medicine, conducted by the California Pacific Medical Centre. Determined that cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits human breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion. Demonstrated CBD reduces tumor mass.

6. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Determined THC dramatically reduced breast cancer cell growth.

7. Journal Molecular Cancer. Showed THC reduced tumor growth and tumor numbers. Determined that cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cells’ death.

8. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.. Determined cannabinoids inhibit human breast cancer cell proliferation.

Lung Cancer: 9. Oncogene, by Harvard Medical Schools Experimental Medicine Department. Determined THC inhibits epithelial growth factor induced lung cancer cell migration.

10. US National Library of Medicine by the Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, from the Department of General Surgery in Germany. Determined cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell invasion and invasiveness.

11. US National Library of Medicine, conducted by Harvard Medical School. Investigated cannabinoid receptors in lung cancer cells. Determined its effectiveness, suggested its use for treatment against lung cancer cells.

Prostate Cancer: 12. US National Library of Medicine. Illustrated decrease in prostatic cancer cells through cannabinoid receptors.

13. US National Library of Medicine. Outlined multiple studies proving effectiveness of cannabis on prostate cancer.

14. US National Library of Medicine. Determined cannabinoid receptor activation induces prostate carcinoma cell apoptosis and cannabidiol inhibited cell viability.

Blood Cancer: 15. Molecular Pharmacology. Showed cannabinoids induce growth inhibition and apoptosis in matle cell lymphoma.

16. International Journal of Cancer. Determined cannabinoids exert antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in certain cancer and in mantle cell lymphoma.

17. US National Library of Medicine conducted by Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Determined cannabinoids induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.

Oral Cancer: 18. US National Library of Medicine. Results show cannabinoids are inhibitors of cellular respiration and are toxic to malignant oral tumors.

Liver Cancer: 19. US National Library of Medicine. Determined THC reduces the viability of human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell lines and reduced their growth.

Pancreatic Cancer: 20. American Journal of Cancer. Determined cannabinoid induced apoptosis, reduced the growth of tumor cells, and inhibited the spread of pancreatic tumor cells.



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