Category: Medical Marijuana

  • Court challenge aims to legalize all cannabis use-Advocates say previous rule a 'mockery'

    Monday, June 01, 2009 – Health Canada has faced court challenges over medical marijuana eight times and has lost all of them. In each case the decision came because the court felt regulations were too restrictive for those seeking legal marijuana. Health Canada has faced court challenges over medical marijuana eight times and has lost…

  • Canada's 'Prince of Pot' Vows to Defeat U.S. War on Drugs

    Friday, May 29, 2009 – VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Psychedelic rock booms through The Toker’s Bowl. Young and some not-so-young people smoke pot through a variety of devices in the store’s Vapour Lounge. And owner Marc Emery stands in the middle of it all, proclaiming his goal of defeating the U.S. war on drugs. Known…

  • Siblings design pioneer marijuana (iPhone) application

    Siblings design pioneer marijuana (iPhone) application

    May 31, 2009 – When two siblings, David and Elizabeth Gregory, were laid off from their jobs in January, they used their free time to create an iPhone application focusing on the legalization of marijuana. CHRONIC-les was released for sale May 21 and has had more than 1,000 downloads, ranking it at number seven under…

  • Legalize marijuana to save California? Maybe…

    Thursday, May 28, 2009 – Since 1996, California has allowed patients to obtain medical marijuana. The $42 billion budget deficit ($24.3 billion expected for next fiscal year) California has found itself in is forcing politicians to reevaluate the programs and policies that shape our budget. One area warranting serious scrutiny is the state’s criminal justice…

  • Michigan – Will Kuipers' bill on medical marijuana go up in smoke?

    Friday May 29, 2009 – Some say the proposed changes are intended to undermine voters who overwhelmingly supported the use of medical marijuana during the 2008 general election. Recent stories illuminating big holes in Michigan’s medical marijuana policy and are sparking debate. (Get it? Spark? … Never mind.) In November, Michigan voters approved a ballot…

  • Illinois – Medical marijuana bill advances in the House

    May 28th, 2009 – The Illinois Senate made history last night by approving a bill that would authorize the limited use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The measure advanced again tonight when a House committee approved the same measure by a vote of 4-3. Rep. Lou Lang, a Skokie Democrat, said SB 1381 could be…

  • Deleware – Medical Marijuana Proposal Would Legalize The Use With Strict Limits

    Delaware Residents might soon be able to smoke marijuana for medical purposes. One State Senator is pushing to make it legal. “I was willing to try whatever I needed to do in order to survive,” said Delaware resident and medical marijuana user Joe Scarborough. He says medical marijuana wiped away years of pain and suffering.…

  • Entrepreneurs blazing trail with medicinal marijuana

    May 28, 2009 With the recession grinding on, just about everybody is ready for the sweet smell of success to fill the air. In the infant business of medical marijuana, the sweet smell is spreading. Success, however, remains elusive. More than a dozen states have approved the use of pot with a prescription, and similar…

  • Medical marijuana measure wins Illinois Senate approval

    May 28th, 2009 – SPRINGFIELD–The Illinois Senate today voted to approve legislation that would legalize the use of marijuana for medical reasons for some seriously ill patients with a physician’s permission. The 30-28 vote, with one senator voting present, means the measure now goes to the House for consideration in the waning days of the…

  • New York – Medical marijuana bill moves forward in Senate

    May 26th, 2009 – New York – The Senate Health Committee approved legislation today that would legalize marijuana for medical use. But the bill still has to go through the Senate Codes Committee before getting to the floor for a vote. If passed, seriously ill patients would be able to have up to 2.5 ounces…